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how to have best sex ever ? Darling I want to share with you secrets to make a woman orgasm every single time! Every woman is uniqueand every woman has her own buttons of what works and doesn’t work, but darling if you pay attention to how she responds and what she likes and then give it to her... then you are guaranteed to help her get to that place of full surrendering and having an orgasm. Remember orgasms are not really like flowers and chocolate something that you give to somebody. You can help facilitate an orgasm but ultimately it is her own ability to let go and to open up to an ... more how to have best sex ever ? Darling I want to share with you secrets to make a woman orgasm every single time! Every woman is uniqueand every woman has her own buttons of what works and doesn’t work, but darling if you pay attention to how she responds and what she likes and then give it to her... then you are guaranteed to help her get to that place of full surrendering and having an orgasm. Remember orgasms are not really like flowers and chocolate something that you give to somebody. You can help facilitate an orgasm but ultimately it is her own ability to let go and to open up to an orgasm. So its not just what you do its also how she responds and how well she knows her body. Remember that it does take two to tango and orgasm. Now… if you love to watch a women in full pleasure experiencing orgasms ….. Pease contact on this number to invite a escort to you, and let me know do you enjoy seeing a women in pleasure? Darling never race a women to an orgasm. The more pressure you put on her the less likely she will be getting to an orgasm its important to understand that for a women, she needs to not have any pressure she needs to be able to go at her own pace and that her pace is probably much slower than your pace so if you don’t rush a women through it. It will make a difference … Now … I want to share with you … words that will make a total difference in how she experiences being with you. If you can tell her " take your time" … it will allow her to fully let go and relax and the more she does that... The more she can reach an orgasm… Please don’t´rush her ! Never ! Give her clitoris some attention and make sure you know it well … you explore it ! Make sure you include her clitoris in foreplay. Most women need some clitoral stimulation in order to reach an orgasm. Not every woman will achieve orgasm through intercourse alone …. As a matter of fact . I believe that it was something like only few women who can have orgasm through intercourse alone. It means that the majority of women, need to have clitoral stimulation in order to achieve orgasms. And not just any clitoral stimulation you want to stimulate her in a rhythmical motion and you want to give it enough time. Not too much pressure, but a good like rhythm that’s very important. How to stimulate her clitoris ? Please order I will explain you in detail. Please give attention to her butt and her lower back. A lot of women carry tension and especially on the lower back there’s the sacrum its kind of that triangle bone at the end of the spine and there’s all this nerve endings. Those nerves some of them irrigate her genitals so…when you massage her lower back you start to activate the circulation and it can send some good warmth into her genitals make sure you include her butts most women are tensed. Or we spend our days sitting our butts don´t get much attention so it feels so good when somebody massages pur butt and allows us to get into or body and to fully relax. My advise is to learn what she likes and to give it to her. Just because you did a certain technique with somebody else doesn’t mean she will like it. Just because she liked something, the other day doesn’t mean, she will like it again today so you need to pay attention and you need to give her what she likes if she tells you that she wants more pressure less pressure. Or anything in between just gift to her because if you do that it will help her to get closer to that orgasm. By the way orgasm is not something singular for women think of it as multiple orgasms don´t just stop at one because its silly we can have multiple Organs just shower her with orgasms. Talk dirty if you can engage her mind when you are with her it can help her get out of her head or it can also stimulate her arousal. Now there’s a fine line with talking dirty and its something that you may want to have discussed prior so you know what she likes. Sme women like it more romantic other women like it more dirty. You have to figure out what she enjoys and play with that. But if you include her mind it will go long way, because it´s our biggest sex organs. our mind … so stimulate it ! Darling make sure that she is fully lubricated so lube up if you’re noticing that she’s not as juicy as she can be either spend more time with your foreplay and giving her some attention warming up her body and remember like don’t go straight to the hot zones to her you want to awaken her entire body you want to rouse her and you want to make sure that she is lubrications because, without the lube without the extra juiciness, it doesn’t feel so good. But when its juicy it feels much better both to you and to her so don’t be shy use some good lube some oil or saliva anything to make more juices. Darling kiss her ! Yes kissing makes the experience so much harder and it can help her achieve like better orgasms and I’m not just talking from personal experience. There’s actually a study that was conducted. …. they asked many women and man …. And what they found is that the women were much more likely to reach orgasms if their sexual encounter included deep kissing, oral sex and genital stimulation sot here you have it the magical combination of deep kissing, oral sex and genital stimulation where it can help her to get to that place orgasmic bliss. So give try this darling and remember don’t pressure her to have an orgasm be patient with her create the enviroment and the space for her where she feels safe to relax to let go and enjoy as many orgasms as she can. Thank you ver much for reading darling . I hope it was helpful and I hope to hear from you soon Call now less



164 cm / 5' 5"
50 kg / 110 lbs
cup size
Availability Types
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Rates & Services

1 hour No 350 EUR
2 hours No 550 EUR
3 hours No 700 EUR
6 hours No 1200 EUR
69 position Included
Classic vaginal sex Included
Cum on body Included
Dirty talk Included
Erotic massage Included
Foot fetish Included
French kissing Included
GFE Included
Handjob Included
Oral without condom Included
Sex Toys Included
Striptease Included

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